I have been at this for hours on end. I am trying out backgrounds, layouts, themes and whatnots for this blog. Thanks to Julienne, I can now make Pages, Edit Designs, make Spreadsheets and a whole lot of things I didn't know even existed. Harharhar! I am a simple person. I can type in Word and make Powerpoint presentations. Well, that's just about it. Oh, and I know how to download songs and TV series. :) Other than that, well...let me put it this way: my lappy crashed one time while I was installing something (I don't even know what it was!) from the net. It was a disaster! I had to retype almost half of our research paper and my groupmates werethisclose to chopping my head off. Heeheehee. :P
I bet I have loads more to learn. And hopefully, Julienne would be patient enough to teach me a thing or two. Hehehehe. I can't wait to show off this blog to everyone. I missed writing so much. All that farming and cooking and fishing and whatever-ing in FB have taken too much of my time. And don't get me started on my so-called "work". Ha! Oh, crap. Haven't noticed the time. Time to take the dog out. Later! :)
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